Traditional Tehran food
One of the pleasures of the world is eating delicious and local food in every city and village. Familiarity with the variety of foods and fresh flavors can acquaint us with the customs of different regions.
Tehran, one of the metropolises and the capital of Iran, hosts many immigrants from all over the country. Because of this, different cultures are so intertwined that it becomes a little difficult to talk about the local cuisine of this city. But in this article of Chiyakotravel, we try to introduce you to the most authentic food of this city according to the available information. The natives of Tehran have their own local food, from Dampokhtak to Sargonjeshki.
What is the traditional food of Tehran, this crowded and noisy city? Which Tehran restaurants offer the best traditional Tehran food? The city of Tehran, the capital of dear Iran and the center of political and social issues, where millions of people walk the streets and alleys of this city every day and are thinking of improving their living standards; What local food does it have?
1- Sargonjeshki | a local dish of Tehran
Tehran cuisine can throw you back to decades past. To the tablecloths of Tehran grandmothers with tasty, fragrant and pleasant food. If you talk to people who are from Tehran, the names of these foods are engraved in the good memories of their childhood. But if you are not familiar with them, we suggest you try these simple and delicious Tehran foods.
The food smell can bring the best flavors to life in your mind. A simple and delicious food that, like many delicious Iranian dishes, uses a lot of hot onions and meat to prepare it. The final shape of the Sargonjeshki is small balls of meat with potato. This Tehran food with its beautiful and tempting color is one of the most important Tehran food.
Sargonjeshki is a delicious Tehran food that is made from the raw materials of minced meat, potatoes, onions and condiments. This food is eaten with rice or with bread, the amount of water in the food depends on this preference. First, fry the onions a little and add turmeric, pepper, paste and finally water. Fry the minced meat with spices and grated onion and fry separately. Put the grated potatoes with the dumplings in a saucepan and cook gently for about 45 minutes. If they eat food with rice, they fry the stir-fries in the same hot onion with potato and steam it a little until it is ready.
Sargonjeshgi is one of the local dishes of Tehran. To prepare this dish in summary, minced meat is mixed with grated onion. First, pour hot onion, water, salt and turmeric into the pot, then add small balls of minced meat, and a little later, add the potatoes, which are chopped into large cubes. After 45 minutes the food is ready.
2- Eshkeneh Spinach, the ancient Tehran food
Spinach is one of the most popular vegetables that has many fans both raw and cooked. Old Tehranians have used the good taste of this colorful and fragrant vegetable in their food. Eshkeneh Spinach is a Tehran food that if you taste it, it will become one of your favorite foods. It is a combination of onions, eggs, mashed potatoes, spinach and water and is served like broth. The predominant taste of spinach in this food can make your most delicious moments.
3- Ash-e Qalamkar Tehran
The local cuisine of each city and province in Iran may be cooked and used elsewhere, or even changed. But it must be remembered that every food has its own identity and originality that always remains with it. One of the most famous and delicious Iranian dishes is Ash. There are different types of soup, the most famous of which is noodle soup. It is safe to say that every Iranian has eaten noodle soup at least once in his life. Of course, this delicious food, which is based on vegetables, has different types and varieties, many of which you may not have eaten before. Ash-e Qalamkar of Tehran is one of the traditional Iranian dishes. How to prepare Ash-e Qalamkar requires patience, all kinds of beans, vegetables, meat and of course a lot of beating. Aromatic and special vegetables such as leeks, parsley, coriander, spinach and legumes such as chickpeas, beans, lentils, rice, onions, as well as skewers, turmeric and oil are used in cooking Ash-e Qalamkar of Tehran. This dish is garnished with hot mint, hot garlic and onion. This dish is very tasty, suitable for dinner. The more hot onions in the soup, the tastier the soup will be. This dish was cooked for the first time by the order of Nasser al-Din Shah, along with special rituals and ceremonies, and was distributed among the people and courtiers.
Travel to Tehran and taste Tehran food
As mentioned above, Tehran is one of the cities that hosts many domestic and foreign travelers and tourists daily. Every day, thousands of people from around Tehran and perhaps other cities in Iran travel to this city to work and continue their lives. What are the attractions of Tehran? What are the recreational areas of Tehran? We have already written articles about some of Tehran’s recreational and tourist areas. This time we talked about local and traditional Tehran food. Foods that each have a historical background and have opened a place in the hearts of the people. Many residents and natives of Tehran have been cooking and eating these foods for years, but they do not know that these foods are part of the local food of this crowded and busy city.