If you want to know about currency in Iran, the article below can help you. The official currency in Iran is “Rial” but Iranians use “Toman” instead of Rial in their daily life, and it sometimes may be confusing for you. It is better to know that, each Toman is equal to 10 Rials.
Currency in Iran
Currency exchange: If you need to exchange your money please use a bank or money exchange agents. We do not recommend exchanging your money at Iranian hotel, handicrafts shops and some restaurants that they will accept American or Canadian money because you will not get a fair. They themselves will set the exchange rates.
Iran tourist’s credit cards: There are no international credit cards in Iran such as Visa, Debit and Master. Therefore,travelers and tourists should have enough money when they are in Iran and exchange money before coming to Iran. In fact, You will need to bring cash (US Dollars Only) with you into Iran to cover the full cost of your trip. ATMs will not work for foreign debit or credit cards.
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